A Century of Trust, A Masterpiece for Tomorrow 百年品牌,又一傑作
源活水家用機採用GWT專利G+技術,將實驗室級別的超純水技術引入家用場景,確保飲用水安全的同時保留八大有益礦物質。The Source Water Generator incorporates GWT's patented G+ technology, bringing laboratory-grade ultra-pure water technology to home scenarios while retaining eight essential minerals.
產品特點 | Key Features
礦物質保留技術 | Mineral Retention Technology 採用獨家 G+ 技術,能有效保留水中天然礦物質,包括鈣、鎂、鉀等對人體有益的元素。研究證實,適量攝取礦物質有助維持體內電解質平衡及骨骼健康。 Utilizing proprietary G+ technology that effectively preserves essential minerals including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Studies confirm that appropriate mineral intake helps maintain electrolyte balance and bone health.
高效過濾系統 | Advanced Filtration System 配備多重過濾系統,能有效過濾雜質、氯氣、重金屬等有害物質。過濾精密度達0.01微米,能有效去除細菌及病毒,確保食水安全。 Equipped with a multi-stage filtration system that effectively removes impurities, chlorine, heavy metals, and other contaminants. With a filtration precision of 0.01 microns, it effectively eliminates bacteria and viruses, ensuring water safety.
健康效益 | Health Benefits 提升食水品質,改善口感 減少腸胃不適機會 增強免疫力 減低水源污染帶來的健康風險 Enhances water quality and taste Reduces gastrointestinal discomfort Strengthens immune system Minimizes health risks from water contamination
應用範圍 | Applications 適合家居日常飲用、烹調及沖泡茶葉之用。 可直接接駁廚房水龍頭,方便取用優質食水。 過濾後的食水不但口感清甜,更能提升烹調效果。 Suitable for daily drinking, cooking, and tea brewing. Direct connection to kitchen faucet available for convenient access to quality water. Filtered water offers improved taste and enhances cooking results.